vrijdag 23 oktober 2009

msiexec != installutil

Some months ago I've developed a custom install action which allows installation of BizTalk applications through an msi installation. To do this I derived a class from the Installer class.
When you do this you have the ability to log some actions by the use of:

base.Context.LogMessage("Installation started.");

At least, that was what I thought... When I supplied the neccesary parameters to enable logging to the msi (xxx.msi /l* log.txt) I got a nice log.txt with a lot of logging...but the logging I supplied was nowhere to see in the file! Strange, so I went to MSDN (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.configuration.install.installcontext.logmessage.aspx) to lookup the use of this particular method. Didn't help me a lot to be honest.

So I fired up Reflector to see what this method does.

public void LogMessage(string message)
this.logFilePath = this.Parameters["logfile"];
if ((this.logFilePath != null) && !"".Equals(this.logFilePath))
StreamWriter writer = null;
writer = new StreamWriter(this.logFilePath, true, Encoding.UTF8);
if (writer != null)
if (this.IsParameterTrue("LogToConsole") || (this.Parameters["logtoconsole"] == null))

As you can see the method expects some parameters to be set. Especially the 'logtoconsole' parameter. So when I then added the custom action to a Visual Studio Setup project I did not have my customized logging.

I have not got it to work with my custom logging. Anyone has an idea of how to log your log entries from your custom action in the msi.log file? Now I do not have custom action logging in the log file, which is not good. Strange that Microsoft has no article about this problem. I hope they will fix this some time...

2 opmerkingen:

  1. hi Tim, your reflected code helped me out, and maybe this will help you. I successfully got some context logging to work. All that was needed was on the custom action data property for the custom action you need to add


    now with the logging call you used a simple log file will be created. I added the same data for the unnstall as well to a differnt log file.

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